Tuesday 10 January 2012

Happy new year Dieters!!

So I was being good 90% of Christmas, so I have gained some weight and have a very untoned jelly belly!

I certainly need to get more active, and my back has been better over the Christmas period as I ve done some resting and been on leave from work. To loose the weight and tone, I have set myself daily at home exercises and I am going to swim 3 times a week and do an abs blast class once a week to start... As my back strengthens I will increase to adding in cross trainer and bike. I do recommended upper body weights for tonning!

I will be back on the maxitone program as i get more active having more lean protein to help my body tone! I long for a bikini body this year!

Pcos is a bitch! The weight piles on fast as soon as you stray from your healthy eating. This year I will be working on maintaining my weight, no yo-yoing!

1. Loose the Christmas weight
2. Tone up all over
3. Maintain

Here it goes....

1 comment:

  1. Maxitone - sale, please click on the below link

